- Chain neclace with black fringe
- Chainmail bag with chains
- I found this amazing vintage black dress with a low cut back drapped in delicate chains on some website but I didn't save it and am kicking myself cause I cant remember where it was!
- In an unrelated matter, there is so much beautiful knitwear out there atm (rodarte, missoni etc) I really want to learn how to knit.
Source - bleachblack, TFS
omg it's beautiful!!!!!!!
...you never remember anything helen. ==
channyyyyyyyyy :D
I'm going through a chain phase too... look and see...
I especially love the bag. As for knitting...I agree, now is the perfect time to learn how to knit. We should take knitting classes together! :)
chains chains chains!!!!!
love em'
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I rather like the second picture!
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